
目前顯示的是 11月 15, 2020的文章

本校求學7大優勢(7 advantages for choosing Shu-Te University)

  樹德科技大學求學的 7 大優勢   1. 具博士培養能量,國際標準分類為六級,與 985 工程名校齊名 2. 理論及實務並重,培育全能人才 3. 國際競賽表現優異,培養縱橫國際的優秀人才 4. 引領台灣創新產業,接軌國際 5. 優質消費:學費、住宿、醫療費用低廉、品質高 6. 菁英培育,針對學業、技能優異者,特別培育 7. 活動活潑、自由、創意多元又豐富 ★ 7 advantages for choosing Shu-Te University 1. Offers degrees up to doctorate level, ranked on the sixth tier of international categories, parity with China’s 985 Engineering Schools. 2. Theory and practice weighted equally, to develop the best-rounded skills in our students. 3. Highly competitive in international competitions for design, engineering, IT, and other similar fields, due to high standards our students strive for. 4. A leading innovator in Taiwanese product design, increasing international interest. 5. Superior value for money spent: affordable yet high-quality tuition, lodgings, medical care.   6. Elite cultivation, aimed at improving the training and education of the motivated 7.Abundant activities, freedoms, and creativity Shu-Te University キャンパス紹介 中文簡介 【印...


 狂賀! 舞蹈啦啦隊榮獲 2020全國啦啦隊公開賽: (嘻哈雙人公開組)- 榮獲金牌 (嘻哈小組大專公開組)- 榮獲金牌 拔河隊榮獲 109年全國協會盃拔河錦標賽(無限量男子組)- 榮獲冠軍 空手道隊榮獲 109年度全國中正盃空手道錦標賽(大專女子組對打)- 榮獲銅牌        全校師生同賀 109年本校運動代表隊出征全國競賽榮獲優異成績