
目前顯示的是 7月 12, 2020的文章

至臺灣求學的10大優勢(10 Advantages of studying in Taiwan)

♦  至 臺灣求學的 10 大優勢 ♦ 1. 與國際接軌的最佳跳板 2. 立足兩岸,放眼全球 3. 成為兩岸企業最搶手的人才 4. 語言與生活習慣相近 5. 學費經濟實惠 6. 開放快樂的學習環境,具親和力的師資 7. 寶島風光宜人、人情味濃厚、社會治安良好 8. 民主自由 9. 可以學到正統繁體字 10. 物價便宜 10 Advantages of Studying in Taiwan ★ 10 Advantages of studying in Taiwan 1. Due to its geographical location and superior academics, Taiwan is the best springboard towards new international experiences and goals. 2. Shared experiences of both sides of the strait, grants a global view 3. High employability for work in both Taiwan and China 4. Language and social similarities 5. Reasonable tuition rates 6. An open, relaxed learning atmosphere, personable staff and faculty 7. A pleasant place with stunning scenery, hospitable locals, low rates of crime 8. Democracy and Freedom 9. An opportunity to learn and use Traditional Chinese 10. Inexpensive goods and services